
FIND THE PERFECT single family home
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Inspired by America’s Mid-Century Architecture movement, our initiative is to deliver housing that is affordable, easy to build, family friendly and beautifully designed. We design function without compromising form; provide accessibility to craftsmanship; build modern technology, for modern lifestyles.
Built with quality
Professionally Designed
Our team of award winning designers has spent years curating the perfect looks and feels that seamlessly intersect beautiful spaces and value.
Highest Quality Materials
Custom crafted Italian cabinetry is just the beginning of what separates us from others. Every detail and material has been carefully selected to provide a true best-in-class finish.
Energy Efficient
Steelblox homes are built to invigorate healthy lifestyles. Our efficiency goals far exceed net zero standards so you can breathe clean air, relax in naturally cool environments and always feel safe.
Modern Technology
Todays homes are extensions of our digital lives. We make routines easier and efficiencies automatic through a seamless integration of our almost invisibly perfect smart home package.

Our Single Family Homes

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